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Meerca chase codes and Tug-O-War passwords!

Meerca Chase Secret Levels

To get the hidden level press
the shift button... Worth 12x
Multiplier. Or click the very
upper right hand corner for
the 15x multiplier.

Tug-O-War Passwords

lrslsts - Theibos
sltltsr - Khadir
sslrtrl - Ramset
lrlrss - Horak

Neopets Haunted House

1) Continue down the road
2) Stay in the car
3) Run from the car in terror
4) Continue along the path, avoiding the old houses
5) Keep asking questions
6) Head up to the house to look for the woman's baby
7) Investigate the noise in the bushes
8) Descend the steps into the dark cellar
9) Try to break down the boards
10) Read the book on history
11) Run back up the stairs
12) Continue along the corridor
13) Continue
14) Shine your torch in his face
15) Run down the right corridor
16) You have successfully passed!
To get through the Haunted house follow those steps