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Helpful Hints

This section has member-submitted hints, tips, tricks etc.

If you cant find your hint, please check back a day or two later to give us time to put it on our site! If you still dont see it, contact _5858 and they will help you out.

~~If you cant find your tip, it may be somewhere else on the site! Check a section that is related to your tip and you may find it!~~

**REWARD: Do you have a tip to share? Any helpful thing involving neopets will do! Neomail _5858!**

Kiko Match

*~*Tip! ~From bigjuicylemon-Playing kiko match,I got mixed up with kikos of nearly the same colour. It is better to remember the kikos by their facial expressions rather than their colour; since they all have different expressions, you can always remember which kikos go where. Doing this gets me about 1500nps every day.

Poogle Solitaire

From Bigjuicylemon-Playing 2 or 3 times and winning will increase your pets intelligence. If you play and win in under 4 minutes, your pets speed increases.

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