Feb. 15, 02 Our two main guild sites, the NTT Guild Site and NTT Cheat Site are now up again! Thanks for our 371 members making this guild great! We now have a new council secretary, messup500 and alos a new spokesperson jovie12- both have been awesome so far! The guild has done many new changes, including looks. We have updated it to be more eye-friendly, with less text and more pic's and music! Plus, easy links to access. Dont forget to check out daily contests held by angela_rocks_hard! Also, a new- very huge and lucrative (lotsa nps!!!) giveaway is coming soon in honor of St. Patrick's Day: the Pot O' Luck contest! Rules soon. Check contests page and guild front page for more info. Also, a new team started: the NTT BATTLEDOME TEAM! For all of you fighters- talk to boatman30 to join the team, no requirements except to have fun! From Sept. to Oct. 21, 01 Wow! So much to say! Well, we havent had a meeting in a while due to school starting and everything else. Well, our guild has been rapidly changing, with new council postitions, gaining many more members (we now have 170!!!) and our contests letting members win MORE THAN 20,000 nps! Our newest contest, The Spooky Halloween Contest, is one of these high winning contests. The contests page explains the rules. Also, a new designer, Brombomb, has made many great changes to our guild! There is a new NTT Mystery Pic contest in the photo section. Keep those donations coming! From plain doantions to The Awesome Omelette Shop, our contests grow to be huge! Thanks for so many donations-this helps with many more activities, bigger contests, more newbie packs, and much more! Also, a faster way to collect your prizes, including newbie packs, they are now located in the trading post! A newbie site for new members explains everything about the guild, we have member of the week, which honors members who have helped out a lot, and also gets a prize, a new Contest Prize shop (gamer_121) which holds all the prizes given out for each contest, music in the guild, a great NTT logo-those designers sure do a lot! Hmmm, that seems to be a little part of this change, so itll end here. Dont forget Referring people! (You get promoted and get cool stuff, too.) From Aug. To Sept. 15, 01 Well, there's a lot to say, so Ill try to get to the point: We have a new lead designer, brombomb who has been doing many things including a banner and a great look for our guild! Also, we have stepped up the pace in adding contests as your many donations have helped us a lot! (Our guild was hacked in early Aug. thanks for all the help members!) Our shop is bigger than ever! Restocks every saturday, great low prices and many things to choose from! NEW GUILD MALL With a library, beauty shop, prize shop, and guild shop, also a hospital shop-ntt_hospital is the user name to look up. Contact _5858 about needing medicine! A guild info. page is out-the link is on the front guild page, it has member of the week, employment agency, guild mall, and more! We have picked our new spokesperson after much deliberation:pickmenigel, congrats! As you have heard-new cheats website! With much more cheats, etc. to become rich fast! Also, new mystery pic contest running at our guild and crazy for codestones contest-ask shellziebell for more info. Well, that's basically it-next week after our Friday meeting I will try to let you know what happened at the meeting if you missed it! Go NTT! August 9, 01 We discussed having Neo Medicare for all members-this is site is now up at our guild store, providing medicine for sick neopet members at a low cost of 100 nps! Neomail to ask for some medicine for your pet! Many more donations are coming in, which is helping us a lot, keep up the good work! We discussed having an easier donation service for charitable members, well, we have started The Awesome Omelette Shop! Here omelettes are at set prices so you can donate nps better and easier, without having to give items. Money from the omelettes go towards our new program, Neopoints 4 Needy, where poor neopets can receive the jackpot from our omelette earnings! Go check our newest contest in the Contests section! A new Q&A column is starting every week-neomail _5858 to submit a question! NEW! NeoPals program! (in other words, pen pals) for new members to neopets, someone who wants a neofriend, or just a person to talk with! well, we have started a NeoPal program. Simply neomail _5858 and in the subject line, type NeoPal (it makes it easier for us) and tell us about yourself! Pretty soon you'll have a new friend! Please tell us what you think by neomailing us at neopets or go to our Contact Us! page and click the link.