The Captions
Here they are... the four best captions! Vote for your favorite by this Wednesday, and the winner will recieve a number 5 Gift Certificate to gamer_131's shop! (Contact _5858 for details)
cooltyler1011- Man on the right(holding the bag):Oh is this the big yellow submarine???
Man on the left (not holding the bag):No this is our best jumbo couch.
Man on the right: A big yellow Elephant?
Man on the left: No a big couch.
Man on right: how much is it?
Left man: $30,000
Right man:I'll take it, BUT I dont think it will fit in my bag. But As the chinese provreb says you need big couch for many friends.
Crazycytguy21- One man to the Other: Think of all the change we could find in that one!
Crystal_Wizard- Left Man:Wow you got a big couch!!!!!
Right Man: Yeah.... but wait'll you see my bed!
baby_bluetwo- One man to the other: "Do you think this will fit in my living room?"